Municipality of Lisbon


760m2 + 760m2 + 570m2 + 570m2

Educational Facilities

Lisbon, Portugal

Samuel Gonçalves, Inês Vieira Rodrigues, João Meira, Sara Perfetti, Adina Staicu

In this project, the studio explored a three-dimensional prefabricated and modular system based on “U”-shaped reinforced concrete pieces, which are joined and overlapped according to the needs of the program. This system made it possible to significantly accelerate the construction process. In just 13 months, these 4 kindergartens were built simultaneously in different parts of the city of Lisbon.

The buildings were designed to respond to a public tender held by the municipality of Lisbon for the construction of kindergarten in various areas of the city. The starting point was a standardized solution that allowed for economically viable intervention, quick execution, and the creation of an identifiable image, making these facilities recognizable throughout the city.


The proposal is based on the overlapping of reinforced concrete structural modules with a “U” profile, which compose the building’s walls. The choice of this material is related not only to the ease of use of the modular system, but also to the competition brief´s requirement to guarantee high durability and low maintenance.

The typification of the designs naturally implies a formal analogy between the four kindergartens. The form of the buildings comes from the potential and limitations imposed by the modular construction system. From the outside, it is possible to have a clear tectonic reading of the buildings – the joints are left visible, it is made clear how each module is interlocked and supported.

The standardization of solutions naturally implies a formal analogy among the four kindergartens. The image of the buildings arises from the potentialities and limitations imposed by the modular construction system. From the exterior, a clear tectonic reading of the buildings is possible – the joints are visible, and one can discern each of the modules and the way they are arranged and supported.

These 4 nurseries feature a similar organic and functional distribution: two groups of overlapping “U-shaped” modules, housing various compartments, and a central corridor between them where all horizontal and vertical circulation takes place (corridors, stairwells, and elevators). It is also within these central corridor lines that the main sections of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning infrastructure are located, reaching the compartments through the adjacent side walls. The circulation spaces are straight and linear, facilitating user orientation within the building and visibility between all areas, promoting functionality and safety.

The outdoor spaces have been designed as an extension of the indoor activities. Some non-slip paved areas are proposed, so that wheeled toys can be used. We also considered the existence of garden areas for outdoor activities with the children. The vegetal cover on most of the outside surface contributes to soil permeability. The choice of plant and tree species was based on the criteria of adaptation to the climate, low water requirements and the exclusion of species that could cause allergic problems.

The nurseries are distributed across two floors, making them more compact in terms of footprint to address the limited space of the plots (all located in consolidated urban areas) and to maximize external space for recreational areas. The essential service areas (kitchen, administrative zone, laundry, etc.) are situated on the ground floor, while the various activity rooms for children are spread across both floors. All these rooms have direct access to the outside – on the ground floor, to the playground; and on the upper floor, through terraces.

All the structural components of these buildings, including the foundations, were prefabricated in a factory under controlled conditions. They were then assembled on-site within a few days. These prefabricated components not only form the structure of the building but also define the facades, floors, and interior compartments. This approach allowed for a faster and more controlled construction process, avoiding on-site concreting, thus reducing waste, noise, and dust. The goal was to increase the city’s network of public kindergartens without disrupting the surrounding neighborhood during construction. Both the process and the result were equally important in achieving this objective.

Photographs 2-5; 9-11; 13-16 ©Fernando Guerra FG+SG;  6-7 ©Ana Gil